Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I know its been months since I updated this thing, so sorry for the delay, things have just been so busy! We just finished up Max's big boy room this past weekend and I figured what a great time to update and post some pics of the finished project! The pics aren't the greatest because they were taken by my phone but you can still see them pretty well. Max loves his new bed! He is all about cars, trucks, trains and airplanes so this theme was perfect! The second he saw it he started jumping up and down saying my big boy room, my big boy bed, yay!!!! It was super cute!
Things are going good, just same ole stuff going on. Max is getting to be so big and is really chatting up a storm. He has his moments when he wants to tell me no and throw himself on the floor, but for the most part he is a really good boy. We just enrolled him in "toddler time" with our local activities center and man did he love it! Today was our first day to go and they had a big bounce house with balls and mats and mini trampolines and huge building blocks all set up for the toddlers to play with. He loved it! They also offer other classes there such as music and dance and gymnastics classes and sports classes, so I think we may be looking into that a little later. Well its time for me to do some work and then hit the hay, let me know what you think of the new room!

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